Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fan of technology and a little bit of an Apple nerd. I love my MacBook Pro, my iPhone and am seriously lusting after the iPad.. Therefore I also love a good app.

So here are some apps that I use for baby stuff:

Nursing Log

I have used this for feed times (and sides) since about day 3. It not only helps me keep track of boob sides but I can see how long she feeds for, how many times a day and the total time and average time per day. I love being able to see right from the start how the feeding has developed and especially in the middle of the night I can keep track of how long etc when I am practically sleep feeding myself. I don' t see any reason you couldn't use this if you were bottle feeding as there is a notes section you could put the amount in mls.

The Wonder Weeks

From the website of the same name - keeps track of developmental milestones.

Baby's Coming

I used this app during labour. It was great to keep track of how long and how far apart each surge was and also gave me something to focus on as they were happening. There is a button for water breaking and then you just press start and stop each time. When I got to the hospital I could show them exactly where I was at. You can even email your OB with one click! I also love that I have a record of the birth like that. I know, total nerd alert.

White Noise

For a week or so (after I dragged Bebe to the Adelaide Cabaret Festival at 6 weeks and she slept in the piano bar as 40 divas and drag queens sang show tunes and drank martinis around her) she had trouble getting to sleep unless I had 'crowd noise' playing from this app. It also has more sane ones like rainforest, washing machine, crickets and waves. I quite like it for myself sometimes when everything is giving me the shits...


I used this during pregnancy. You log the due date and it keeps you up to date with your baby's development and lets you know things that you might be experiencing. It has pictures and 3D photos of sample babies and a list of names you can make a shortlist from.

Total Baby

This app is like the nursing log but more detailed. I don't actually use it anymore as I couldn't be bothered logging nappies and sleeps as well. But if you want to do that - even if you are worried for a bit about routine, it is pretty easy to use and has lots of features.


Ok, so I play solitaire as I feed. It helps me relax and I swear the fact that my brain zones out help the let down happen quicker. It has 40 different types of solitaire. I am obsessed by Pyramid at the moment and I have won it 104 times (starting to worry about my nerd levels now...)

Baby Sign

We are keen to start baby sign with Bebe. We already do 'milk' and 'sleep' and are starting to use other ones. My husband works with a sign interpreter lots and she used it with her baby and swears by its helpfulness and use in developing communication skills. This is a pretty simple app with a few key signs.
Wheels on the Bus

My friend Charly told me about these next three. Bebe is a bit little for them but Charly's bubba (and Bebe's London friend) Flo loves them. You can record yourself singing the wheels on the bus also which is tres cute.
Peek-a-boo Barn
Old MacDonald
Smack Talk

My darling friend Craig Hill told me about this. Not so much a baby app but Bebe thinks the puppy repeating what I say in a funny voice is hilarious so it is good for a laugh or a distraction.

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