Friday, October 1, 2010

Baby Brain # 1

Last night I had a rare night out. It was nice. I saw some comedy and then went and ate ribs with friends in the best rib place in LA. Great. I then got home and decided to work on my blog...

 I am really enjoying writing this blog and even more importantly getting feedback from other mothers. I have asked people for their tips and had some great responses that will appear as guest blogs in the coming weeks. What would be great is to get a few more followers (maybe even people I don't personally know!) to share all these travel stories and get even more perspectives on the baby travel vibe.

So I did some 'marketing'. This involved starting a twitter account ( and doing a search for anyone who talked about traveling with a baby then inviting them to my blog. Easy.

Then this morning a get up at 6 (still dark - hate that) and see how the twitter account is going and find out that I invited everybody to the wrong web address (I left out a 'the' in the title).

Quite literally bringing back my favourite saying 'der brain'.

I then read on a site that new mother's lose 4% of their brain capacity. No kidding.

Ok. I am going back to bed now to try and regain a percent or 2...



sleepydwarf said...

Only 4%? Wow!! I feel like I lost a lot more ... and 4 years on none of it has returned. I wonder if the lost brain capacity gets transferred to the baby, or it if just vanishes into thin air?

SaschkaH said...

Hi Ali, I just wanted to say thank you so much for starting this blog. So many helpful pieces of information all ready, and for us with a new little almost 3 month old, the tips will come in handy for a few adventures we have lined up.


Ali said...

Hi Barb, welcome to my blog! I do hope my lost brain power transfers to my little one as this must surely mean she will be a genius with all the cells I seem to have lost! I saw Matthew McConaughey on the street today and forgot his name. I spent a large chunk of my 20's hoping I would meet him - how couldn't I forget his name? I went totally blank! Fail!