Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another quick word about strollers & travel

I am currently without use of my computer so can't post the proper blog that I'd like. I have three on the go 1) Baby clothes (or why Pink is making me turn to the drink), 2) Things I can probably live without but don't want to & 3) Take the goddamn bottle, my boobs are tired (I may rename that after I have eaten and slept..) but I need my computer to add photos and nice stuff.

So hear is a quick word to add to the stroller discussion.

Recently I had to travel across London via tube with Bebe on my own. I have done this a couple of times but this time had the added bonus of trains breaking down and football crowds. Hurrah. I ended up carrying the pram up or down 6 flights of stairs and onto two buses. On three occasions I was offered assistance by a friendly passerby (2 ladies & 1 man - ladies always offer more often, I don't know why) but to be honest I find it easier to pick the pram up myself and carry it. It doesn't hold up the traffic as much and I can keep it nice and level.

So hear is my quick word:

Make sure you can lift your pram (also with the car seat and a bit of gear shoved roughly in the bottom carry space) by yourself up stairs. You can't rely on others when traveling (certainly not in a big city) and you also need to be mobile or you will never leave the house and do stuff.

Bebe & I are now getting ready to fly (on our own this time) back to Australia. Bags are packed, body clock is on edge and books are ready to not be read. Bring it!


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad (thank God for this or I'd be stuck without any form of technical civilization at all!)

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