Friday, October 1, 2010

Car Seats + Planes & finding a helpful blog...

So, I went against what I originally said and have bought a second hand car seat while we have been in LA. We had a borrowed one here but are going to NY and I couldn't find a company in NY that would deliver to the airport for anything under $100 and I bought a second hand Maxi Cosi on Ebay for $35 + postage! This means we have one when we are in New York for cabs and it also clicks on to our Bugaboo Bee so it will be handy in London. So I need to check the car seat in. I did a search to find out the best way to do this and found a great blog here by a woman who regularly travels with three kids alone - Amazing lady! It is a good blog, I highly recommend you follow it.

Here is what she had to say about Car seats on planes:

"It's never a good idea to check a car seat as luggage. They get lost and/or broken all the time by the airlines who will decline any responsibility if anything goes wrong. It's not worth the risk.

If you arrive at your destination and need the seat right away, what would you do if it's not there? Get in your car with your child unrestrained? Not only is it unsafe but often illegal.

If your child has a seat on the plane, the best way to transport it is to bring the car seat on board and have your child sit in it on the plane. This is also the safest way for your child to travel.

If you have a child who is a "lap baby" without a seat, bring the car seat to the gate and have it gate-checked. This is no guarantee but better than checking it as luggage. You can put a bag on it if you want but a clear plastic one is best. This way, they can see what it is and hopefully the baggage handlers wont abuse it (too much!)

But still try to secure an extra place on the plane. Ask nicely at check-in if the flight is full and whether you can get an extra place to use your car seat in. Be sure to bring it to the gate even if they're unsure as sometimes seats become available last minute (upgrades, no shows, etc.)

I fly alone with three kids between Europe and California and I have no problems taking a car seat. It can be done if you're organized. You can either use your stroller or do what I do and strap it to a metal luggage cart with an extra bungee cord. Go over to Car Seat.Org for more information.…

This way, you'll have your car seat safely at your destination when you arrive!

Good luck and have a good flight!


Former Flight Attendant, 13 years, 2 companies, almost all long-haul international
3 children, now ages 10, 8 & 6, flying since each was 4 months old, between Europe and California about twice a year plus other shorter flights in between, regularily scheduled, low cost, charter, etc.
non-commercial flying tips;"

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